Email: Phone: (818) 249-8783
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The following are non-negotiable for the school to be able to return to a safe environment (please review the protocol as these have always been part of it):
1. Wearing facial coverings at all times for students, faculty, and staff (modified)
2. Daily health screening at home and at school (both staff and students/families)
3. Social distancing as much as possible; use of barriers (acrylic panels/face shields) where social distancing is not possible
4. Having a plan for operating the school if a case arises at the school (isolation, identification, communication, quarantine as needed)
5. Cohorting (keeping groups of students separate from one another, for example: all K students stay together for the entire day)
We are planning on the following return schedule:
● 3rd and 4th-grade students to return on March 8th (please complete the survey to ensure this is still something you would like to be a part of)
● 5th and 6th-grade students to return on March 15th (please complete the survey to ensure this is still something you would like to be a part of)
● 7th and 8th-grade students at this point are unable to return to campus per California and Los Angeles County regulations, however, we would ask you to complete the survey if the time comes when we have the opportunity to reopen 7th and 8th.
An essential part of this return is the collaboration of everyone involved. Only through a concerted effort and working together can we make this return possible for our children. We must emphasize the need for us to follow safety guidelines (wearing masks, social distancing, health checks, and avoiding crowds) to keep our school safe for our students. Please be sure to read our protocols, take the survey, and help us gain a sense of normalcy back for our children and for our lives.
In Christ,
Dr. Julio Tellez, Principal